SEAHAM has become world famous over the years for it's Sea Glass beach. Glass collecting has become a bit of a phenomenon here. When I first visited this beach I couldn't understand why everyone was walking looking at the ground instead of at the scenery ..now I know...and glass hunting can be a bit contagious once you start.

The little glass pieces which can be found on the beach at Seaham have evolved from the LONDONDERRY BOTTLEWORKS FACTOR which was owned by the Cavendish family in Seaham from the 1850's until 1921. They manufactured thousands of glass bottles a day and decorative glass too. Waste glass was dumped at sea, just like coal waste from the Mining industry. Little did they know, unlike to coal which sadly scarred and damaged the beautiful coast line, the glass waste returned to beach many years later as a local treasure. Coal waste beaches can be found on the southern side of Seaham, Blast Beach is also famous and has been used as film settings such as Alien 3 (and Get Carter). It's baron rocky appearance, orange rocks and puddles which have been created by the Sulpher and Iron waste make eery backdrop . It's a fascinating place non the less and extends out at the base of a the cliffs and beautiful coastline with miles of gorgeous coastal and woodland walks. Mother Nature is doing her best to put the coast right after many years of industry in Seaham.
I must say, when I walk the beach at sunrise with my dogs..the black coal dust that lines the shoreline at times produces the most stunning deep reflection that I've ever seen.
I haven't been a big time collector of the glass, but as a regular visitor for dog walking I usually pick up as I walk and take a few bits home each time I visit . Over time I've collected buckets full of glass, bottle tops, ceramics , pebbles and other interesting beach finds. My creative brain telling myself "I'll make something from it"!
I'm usually too busy painting and teaching to find time to think about making glass stuff! However Lockdown times due to Corona virus have given us all time to do more at home.
So... there my new journey of creating with glass began. I bought myself some tools and set about getting creative.

I love working with the glass and metallic wires and I started making little bottle baskets as I liked the idea of setting the glass back to bottles as its where most of it came from. from there I made my friends candle holders for Christmas prezzie too in the same way, adding little charms and beads too.
THESE ARE EXAMPLES ONLY . I do intend to add them to an online shop shop this Spring, meantime I'm making to order. Message me if you want to know more.

I'm is enjoying making these trinkets that I'm going to offer them as workshops this summer ...post lockdown of course at The ArtBlock in Seaham. You will be able to pick your own glass then make it into a beautiful Candle Holder or Bottle Frame.
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